On Saturday my Mom, Lauren & I boarded the train and ventured to downtown Chicago for our day at the American Girl Store. Its in a new location right on the Miracle Mile and of course its as gorgeous as ever! Lauren has been dreaming of her look alike "big doll" for years now & has long cherished her Bitty Baby. I know in part she worried about sweet Bitty being relegated to "second favorite doll" status, but finally my tenderhearted girl was ready for her doll. It was a magical day and we felt so lucky to have my Mom with us for this celebration. It was the ultimate girly day! AND we even bumped into another JOH Mama(Kerry M. ) and her daughter Grace ~ they too were celebrating a special milestone!
And because our family apparently likes really BIG weekends :)~ we also hosted her family party the very next day on Sunday. Another wonderful day and Lauren received so many glorious & thoughtful presents. I could absolutely share endless details, but just this once(or twice?) I'm going to let our photos tell a bit of the story. Here goes nothing......

Are the rest of you wishing you had stock in American Girl right about now? Me too!! Well, its hard to resist a matching ensemble for the girls........I'm weak were cuteness is concerned, but at least I'm self-aware. ;0) The girls all dressed for the party!


And last but not least, our little cupcake......who helped himself to quite a bit of chocolate cupcake at the party. :) AND who had an awfully grand time at the party and all weekend long! I promise more pics of our chocolate bandit soon! Do you think he looks a bit "caught in the act?" giggle.....