Its the face that peers up at me with such trust & love in one moment........and utter mischievous and mayhem the very next!
Most of the time it greets me with dimples flashing but there are soulful moments too.......
No matter the expression, how fortunate I am to spend my days with this amazing little man!

Oh gracious my friends but I am SO behind on all things blogging, or rather at updating my own that is! I sat down last night to piece together a post and quickly became overwhelmed, realizing how much I have failed to share of late. I have done my best to keep up with all of you and just as always delight in following along with your families and adventures!
How strange it feels to be blogging once again in the middle of the day while little man slumbers (even though I should be doing laundry, sweeping, etc.). Back to school began for us late last week and after a crazy start, and two very overcrowded classrooms, things have evened out once again and with the hiring of an additional teacher, the classroom numbers are manageable (low!!) once again. How blessed we feel knowing what capable hands Lauren is in this year with her seemingly wonderful teacher.
And honestly Lauren took it all in stride (kids always do!) and was simply tickled to be a Second grader *gasp* with all the perks and responsibilities that it entails! LOL Every afternoon has been a whirlwind with after school play with her neighborhood buddies as they seek to capture these last lingering days of August and of summer. I'm so proud of her and was shocked to discover that it actually was not as difficult sending her off this year as each previous year/grade has been. Its hard to feel sad when her enthusiasm is so contagious. And when she was SO VERY ready!
Tyler on the other hand is missing her terribly. ( well, O.K. truth be told I am too....but knowing how much she loves school and her buddies helps tremendously). We are managing to keep our days very full with books, play, our walks and lots of outdoor time. If I thought the start of the school year would bring more downtown, I was mistaken. :) But its been wonderful showering a bit more individual attention onto Tyler and one his favorite times of the day is when he awakens from his nap, finds his shoes ( which he LOVES to put on himself of course!), takes my hand and says," time get La La?.....O.K. Go ". This is almost always followed by a loud hollering for Lexi dog to "come, get lish on". I cringe a bit if its not quite that time yet, but can usually distract him until it is! Poor Lexi pretty much cringes from his naptime on! ;)
And things are good......actually really good. I thank you all for your sweet thoughts and well wishes regarding Lauren's recent surgery. She has recovered beautifully, with no lingering ill affects and we made certain we hit that swimming pool often before school started to make up for that bit of lost time. She has a birthday coming up in Mid September ( oh glory be, she is already happily planning her parties) and soccer begins this evening. Scott was asked to coach her team this year and we were all delighted that 4 of the girls from last year's team will be remaining together for another season. AND their uniforms are purple this year, instead of green.........she's pretty happy about that! :)
I hope to pop back in again soon and wrap up our recent summer outings and activities before Fall makes her debut!