Its the face that peers up at me with such trust & love in one moment........and utter mischievous and mayhem the very next!
Most of the time it greets me with dimples flashing but there are soulful moments too.......
No matter the expression, how fortunate I am to spend my days with this amazing little man!

Oh gracious my friends but I am SO behind on all things blogging, or rather at updating my own that is! I sat down last night to piece together a post and quickly became overwhelmed, realizing how much I have failed to share of late. I have done my best to keep up with all of you and just as always delight in following along with your families and adventures!
How strange it feels to be blogging once again in the middle of the day while little man slumbers (even though I should be doing laundry, sweeping, etc.). Back to school began for us late last week and after a crazy start, and two very overcrowded classrooms, things have evened out once again and with the hiring of an additional teacher, the classroom numbers are manageable (low!!) once again. How blessed we feel knowing what capable hands Lauren is in this year with her seemingly wonderful teacher.
And honestly Lauren took it all in stride (kids always do!) and was simply tickled to be a Second grader *gasp* with all the perks and responsibilities that it entails! LOL Every afternoon has been a whirlwind with after school play with her neighborhood buddies as they seek to capture these last lingering days of August and of summer. I'm so proud of her and was shocked to discover that it actually was not as difficult sending her off this year as each previous year/grade has been. Its hard to feel sad when her enthusiasm is so contagious. And when she was SO VERY ready!
Tyler on the other hand is missing her terribly. ( well, O.K. truth be told I am too....but knowing how much she loves school and her buddies helps tremendously). We are managing to keep our days very full with books, play, our walks and lots of outdoor time. If I thought the start of the school year would bring more downtown, I was mistaken. :) But its been wonderful showering a bit more individual attention onto Tyler and one his favorite times of the day is when he awakens from his nap, finds his shoes ( which he LOVES to put on himself of course!), takes my hand and says," time get La La?.....O.K. Go ". This is almost always followed by a loud hollering for Lexi dog to "come, get lish on". I cringe a bit if its not quite that time yet, but can usually distract him until it is! Poor Lexi pretty much cringes from his naptime on! ;)
And things are good......actually really good. I thank you all for your sweet thoughts and well wishes regarding Lauren's recent surgery. She has recovered beautifully, with no lingering ill affects and we made certain we hit that swimming pool often before school started to make up for that bit of lost time. She has a birthday coming up in Mid September ( oh glory be, she is already happily planning her parties) and soccer begins this evening. Scott was asked to coach her team this year and we were all delighted that 4 of the girls from last year's team will be remaining together for another season. AND their uniforms are purple this year, instead of green.........she's pretty happy about that! :)
I hope to pop back in again soon and wrap up our recent summer outings and activities before Fall makes her debut!
Beautiful pictures!!
Lisa ~ Those pictures are insanely gorgeous!!! He has the BEST hair ever!!! I might be coming to the Chicago meet-up this friend Shauna asked me to drive up with her, her little guy is from Semey...I don't know if Hannie can do 5 hours in the car (she despises her car seat) so we are still deciding, but will you be there?! That might be the deciding factor!!! Hope all is well and lots of hugs!! Erin
Llloooooovvvved this update. I know what you mean about so much to blog about yet not knowing what to start with or even trying to.
OK, you do realize you have THE cutest son in the world, don't you Lisa? That face!!!! Really (all I can think to say is "he ought to be in pictures".) What a gorgeous boy!!
Happy Grade 2 to Lauren. Dahlia starts next Tuesday and I think is slightly less enthusiastic than your darlin. It is a bit insane thinkihg how old they are getting - so fast. Makes us want to hang onto our babies a little longer.
Enjoy the last bit of summer, my friend.
Tyler is so precious and just stinkin' cute! I just love his hair. I wish he could give Lexie some of his beautiful locks!! So glad they were able to hire another teacher. I just hate starting the year with a huge class. Seems like Lauren is off to a great start in 2nd grade! Your little Lexi is just like my little Gohan. He probably wishes that Lexie would nap longer so she doesn't bother him. Can't wait to see more pictures of your cuties!!
He is so stinkin adorable. And I am so glad to hear that Lauren's class size is low again. We were praying for a fifth teacher to be hired, but - alas - it looks like that is not going to happen. 28 kids in a first grade class... it seems like a lot to me.
Objectivity....yep I can see how you'd lose that! He is so adorable and just precious to look at inphotos, I can only imagine with the full blown personality to go with it!
Isn't it would think havingone less child all day would give you more free time but here it is the opposite! It's more one on one time to snuggle and play and just waste away the hours with the little guy! Trust me...I totally know! And Sammy seems to know when the school bus is drawing near as well! He runs around the door yelling "Jaa Jaa" with a huge grin on his face! We can't get out the door fast enough and often are standing at the stop for 5+ min! I bet Lauren is just thrilled to come home to such a greeting!
And wow...2nd grade already! And of course she went with such excitment, she is such a smart and social girl! I am thrilled for her and excited at all she will learn and do this year!
So glad to hear the school year started so well and sooooo happy to hear how well L has recovered! She is such a strong girl...
Have a great Friday and fab weekend my friend!
PS...Simone starts soccer this week too and is very excited to be playing like her blog buddy Lauren! We'll have to share soccer stories! Yay!
Oh and Adam is coaching too!!!!
gorgeous pics! i love them! so happy to read an update from you, as always! :)
Such gorgeous pictures of your little guy. Those dark, expressive eyes get a mama every time. And I'm sure the dimples seal the deal!
Love those pics and I love his hair..makes me miss my boys long locks now..but I keep telling myself they WILL
Happy back to school:)
Transitioning to Fall schedules... sounds like a lot new adventures to look forward to! May you truly soak up these one on on times with your little man. (I wish my hubs would let me grow out our boys hair... he always wants them buzzed short) =)
He is so darned cute!!
He is so cute!!!! I want to squeeze him:) Beautiful pictures. Lauren starts school early, hard to believe it's back to school time already.
He is SO adorable! Those pictures are truly award winning, btw!
Love it when we catch that personality... I'm sorry that I didn't realize Lauren was having surgery. Not sure how I missed that. Glad to hear that everything went smoothly.
I can really relate to your feeling about Lauren going back to school and being in the second grade this year. I wasn't ready for my kids to go back either. It seems like summer vacations just fly right buy! Allie misses her big brothers terribly and will often ask me where they're at and when they're coming home...
Enjoy the one on one with your little man though, it won't be long before we're we have too much time on our hands! I don't even want to think about it:(
Thanks for dropping by my blog and the concern, my wrist is better =)
Thanks for taking time off from your housework to blog.. hehe~ love the photos!
WOW! Second grade? I can hardly believe that! I'm thrilled to know that she is doing so well and back at swimming and sports with her dad. How wonderful! I'm especially thrilled to hear that they are using one of my favorite colors.... PURPLE. My Elliana would say that green is an ugly color. LOL.
Your little man is simple adorable. I am so glad you posted those photo's. My favorite is the last one.
I'm soooo behind as well. Sigh. It's actually stressing me out. As in "I can't fall asleep at night" stress. That's so wrong. Right?!
I love these photos. LOVE. My word, T is just incredibly handsome. And I love hearing about how well L is doing. So sweet.
I have so much more to say... but I am trying desperately to dig out of my reader backlog. :-( More next time. I promise!
He is so precious. The sweetest thing. What beautiful pictures you capture : )
I am glad she is loving second grade. I am glad you have him to keep you busy. I know every year when my baby goes back I am a mess. The whole growing up thing is hard for me! : (
As always, such a sweet post of your very sweet family!
I hate not knowing what trauma our Kaz. Princess went through those 9 months in the baby house and therefor what "issues" she needs support with. I am so glad you found a great surgical team and that Lauren did so well with it all. Medical stuff can be a nightmare for parents and kids with our "history". It can bring up past trauma and PTSD and some people have no understanding or patience with the "behavior" that can come up when a kid is terrified. The hardest thing is to be an advocate for your child without letting the emotions take over. KP has an umbilical hernia which I hope will never require surgery as it is so small.
Then there is the "medical diagnosis" she was given in Kaz. that ultrasound later said was no big deal. That nags at me too. Is it real or not. All these "holes" in our children's pasts, how do we fill them or at least build a strong structure around them. You write so beautifully about your children.
Every achievement and big step forward in their lives means so much more when we think back to how far they have come and where they spent their babyhoods.
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