We have been busy around here, but I have no complaints. We saw several days of summer like temps in the high 80's and reveled in the warm sunshine. I have been making headway in carving our special time for both of my munchkins & Lauren and I been loving our "Girls Day Out" each weekend. Technically we don't HAVE to leave the house and so far we have seen a movie together, had a fabulous sleep-over complete with popcorn & polishing our nails & have hiked the nature trail near our home. This coming Monday I am helping out in her classroom for Career Day and am anxious to assist once again in her class. I so LOVE my time with my glorious girly girl!
I love my snuggle time with Baby Tyler too! We have invented several new games with our favorite being the, "come and give me a huggy/kiss" game. It usually happens while we are playing on the floor and I always know its begun when I see his mischievous grin and spy him crawling my way! Its wet ( Talking open mouthed baby kisses after all! ) unpredictable and I adore it! We also had our 9 mos. wellness check this past week and our little dumpling is growing in leaps and bounds! He hit the 90% for height, with his weight slipping to the 50 percentile. Our doctor is amazed at his development and excellent health. I suppose if he keeps on stretching upwards, we will have to consider a new moniker.....dumpling is just not gonna fit! ( Hm mm..... maybe an oblong dumpling? ) ;)
And I suppose for the rest I'll just let you see the pictures! On Any Given Day you might find us doing these things...........