Yes, it is true....Lauren is turning 6 years old! Where has the time gone??? I have a feeling that is a question all Moms ask themselves at one time or another. Above are just a few of the photographs we had taken to mark this special event and I hope to share more of them throughout the next few months.In honor of our little girl turning 6 I wanted to share the six things that I love best about Lauren. Of course as her Mom and number one fan, I could easily find 6 thousand, but I'm going to limit myself to just the 6 biggies! Here goes....
1. Her beautiful spirit & heart. It is HUGE and so encompassing; I know her best, and sometimes I am still taken aback by her ability to LOVE so sincerely, sweetly, innocently and openly. She melts my heart and makes me a better person every day.
2. Her sense of humor. Lauren has a quirky and witty sense of humor and when she laughs, its a big ole belly laugh. It starts at the toes and quickly climbs! It is impossible to not laugh along with her, even if she's been a bit feisty and Mama should be frowning. :)
3. Her compassion. You have all heard the expression, " he/she wouldn't hurt a fly"; this is a literal for our girl. Its just how she lives. She has earnest empathy & concern for all creatures great and small.....she once tried to nurse a wounded butterfly back to health and was devastated when it did not survive. She has a poet's soul and sensitivity.
4. They way she calls me Mama. I know this one seems strange, but when she says "Mama" it is like sweet bells ringing on a clear morning. Of course there are times she's less than pleased with me, but I'll save that for another post! ;) Without her I would not be a Mama, so that word is nothing short of magic to me. We can be surrounded by a horde of kiddos at the park and I can hear her "Mama" shout above all others....when she is most tickled, its like she is sharing a secret with me when she simply says, "Mama".
5. Her smarty pants-ness. Scott says that's not a real word, but I think all you Mamas out there know what I mean. Lauren is very bright yes, but beyond that, it tickles me when she strikes that 'put upon' pose ( hip jutting out, arm on hip, lips pursed ) and gives me her best withering stare, as if to say, " keep up with me better Mama". Sometimes I just don't get it, and she keeps me honest. It is also a scary glimpse at the teen years to come; I probably won't find it so endearing then! LOL
6. Her limitless curiosity & energy. Probably seems like I'm cheating here, but I don't think you necessarily have one without the other; or at least not when you are a kid! That boundless energy leads to a constant quest to figure it all out. Why do some stars sparkle more than others? How do dolphins say good morning to each other? Why did God make some animals cold-blooded and others warm blooded? How many steps would I need to take to get to Mimi & Papa's house if I walked there? And so on........it keeps me on my toes and has opened me to exploration I would have never guessed. She delights in the small details without losing sight of the big picture. I treasure that so much!
Happy birthday baby.......Mama & Daddy love you very much!