Yay! New photos of our sweet baby boy arrived today! We are not certain exactly when they were taken, but based on other families, we believe they were taken towards the end of August and our little man was just shy of 7 wks. We are just tickled beyond words to receive these glimpses into his growth and healthy development, but most of all just to commit his tiny precious face to memory! Sadly, like many of the other families this month, our video contained only sound, no visual!! ( Such a tease!!) Our agency has promised to work on the issue, so please check back again soon to see if we have it up and running! :)
P.S. Lauren is so thrilled that her 'baby brother' still has that mohawk, or 'babyhawk' as she has lovingly dubbed it!We got it working with a bit of help from another JOH family!(Thanks Michelle & Byron ) We are loving on this little man!! Thanks for all the comments everyone & sharing in our joy!
HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! Really Lisa, he is just adorable (but I guess I don't have to tell you that!) I love that his picture is right next to Laurens. What a lovely family. So happy for you! I can't wait until they get our videos fixed, right? Sarah = )
what a sweet, sweet boy! love the mohawk, too!
Oh Lisa! So happy that you received your update. And hoping that they can work on the video.
Your little guy is just perfect. He has a darling little face and he has determination in his eyes! So cute. Just perfect.
Ahhh- hoping not too long to go now. Hugs
Pei-En is one good-looking boy! He is just ADORABLE! And I have to say Lauren cracks me up -- "babyhawk" -- PERFECT! Oh, I bet you are in heaven, only to be surpassed by when you get that video working. After seeing the updates on the board, I was inspired to go back and look at all of Alex's videos, oh, they are such treasures for our families to have!
AWWWWWW. Just want to eat him up. He is so cute. Love the hair too.
Lisa R.
Ooohhhhh, such a beautiful baby boy you have there!! He is going to fit right into your beautiful family!
Hi guys,
Little Pei-En IS SO BEAUTIFUL, happy and looks so healthy!! Gets better looking with each photo. Lauren is so funny with the mohawk. Has made my day to see these new pics and I know you're about to burst with happiness. Hugs to all of you!
He is just too cute. I am loving his little faux hawk.
Lisa, I cannot believe this! I just came back to watch the video, and you have Beautiful Boy by John Lennon on your playlist!! Jim recorded a CD for Alex which we sent to him in our care package and that song was on it! I just love it so much, and it was the perfect soundtrack to watch Pei-En with -- I have tears in my eyes now.
Anne Marie,
By golly, I've got those happy tears now too! Thank you so much for sharing your special memory with me; it means so much and Beautiful Boy is one of my favorites too! :) Its like it was created for Mamas with boys just like us! :)
I love that Jim made a c.d. to send along with the care package; we had planned to buy a c.d. of lullabies, but I LOVE this new idea much better!
Thanks sooooo much! :)
Smiling Big!!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for the glorious and sweet comments!!!! Makes the wait to bring him home a bit more easy!!
Lisa and Scott-
He is just the cutest little boy!! And we love his "babyhawk", compliments of his big sister! We hope you don't have to wait too long...McKenna is waiting to show Lauren her big sis tricks :)
What a handsome devil! Love the faux-hawk!
Wow, he is just so sweet....so perfect.
wow, he's just a doll! She's going to be an awesome big sister!
beautiful little man!!!!!
He is so cute. I glad you were able to view his video. We felt so frustrated only being able to hear Brookes. Lets hope for another update in two weeks!!!
Next update our little ones, they should be smiling!!
Michelle C, AL
OH MY GOODNESS! He is so gorgeous :) Where is he? I just love the video :) YOu will ADORE havin your sweet little man! :)
Noah's mama
Adorable-love his lips!
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