Sunday, December 28, 2008
Better Late Than Never ~ Our Updates!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Holidays My Friends!

Monday, December 15, 2008
All She Wants for Christmas......

Also Overheard.....
Our sweet baby glider/ottoman arrived this past week and while we were describing it to a friend, Lauren was overheard telling her buddy this: "yes, the chair is fine, BUT you should see the BOX it came in!" LOL And oh yes, like so many of you have blogged before, that box has been GOLD in this house! Currently its a 3 room cottage complete with fenced dog run & a flower garden with water feature. :)
Also overheard.....Lauren was explaining to a friend last week that we had sent some special Christmas things to Baby Tyler but that she was absolutely positive that Santa would still be filling his Baby's First stocking on Christmas Eve at Mimi & Papa's house. So of course out came that stocking to be filled right along with hers! I LOVE that she is already looking out for her baby brother! She has also "volunteered" to open his stocking for him! Ho! Ho! Ho!
And finally...... not so much overheard, but Lauren's teacher told me Friday when I was helping in the classroom that when she introduced the subject of traditions, Lauren was the only child in the class who knew exactly what a tradition was and that she went on to share several special traditions that our family holds dear. LOVE that!!
I think our next post will be updates......fingers crossed! So anxious to see our sweet little man!! Hope you are all doing well!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The story of a tree.....
As I gaze at my tree tonight, certainly it is far from perfect! If it could speak, it would probably sigh & tell me that too many ornaments are clustered on its fragile lower branches, that the tinsel is itchy and the tree skirt too snug! It shows the many marks of being decorated and adored from a 6 year old girl, who alight with joy, has her own unique sense of design and presentation! :)
In response to our tree, I would gently tell her (him?) that while I can sympathize with its many complaints, I would not trade the bliss of sharing this yearly tradition that reaches all the way back to my most cherished memories, with my child. As we unwrap ornaments tucked carefully away each year, I am walked gently down memory lane.....remembering the ornament bought on a family trip to Myrtle Beach....remembering the first time we proudly hung our Precious Moments, "Our First Christmas" and later, "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments on our tree. Seeing my fledgling attempts at cursive handwriting on the old ornament boxes, proudly claiming them as my own. Remembering well the year we only hung ornaments on the top 1/2 of the tree to safeguard tiny, curious hands. Wondering what our tree will look like next year with another, "Baby's First Christmas" ornament hung on its branches....... this one in blue!
Yes, I believe that every tree has a story to share.......

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So where exactly has the time gone? Since Monday, I have finished up the Christmas letter (mostly photos of our best girl and best baby boy!), addressed the envelopes and am 1/2 way done with personalizing each Christmas card! I have also done the following:
* Unearthed & washed all the big pieces of baby gear ( high chair, saucer, stroller, etc.)
* Put most of the finishing touches on the nursery ( almost there, will share when completed! )
* Completed 50% of Christmas shopping - completely done with Lauren! No wrapping yet! :(
* Began trying to make heads or tails(?) out of travel documents needed for our trip to Taiwan.
* Shampooed all the carpets upstairs & the area rugs downstairs. ( Ugh......)
* We girls completed decorating our house for Christmas! (HO! HO!) 5 trees decorated!!
* Sent the baby's Christmas care package.....here's a portion of what we sent!
And lastly, squeezed out a bit of time for some blogging and checking out all the blogs of my peeps! LOL Oh, almost forgot too.....my sweet & wonderful friend Tammy gave us an adorable baby photo album yesterday & I'm starting to gather our little man's life book materials!
Phew.....tomorrow its off to Lauren's classroom to help out; Friday is my normal day and I just love it! The kids are darling and they say & do the most hilarious things! Best of all is knowing that Lauren anticipates me coming in & starts asking on Mondays if its my day at her school! That melts my heart!
Happy Friday & weekend everyone!
P.S. Please check out Shannon's blog, A Journey of Love on my blog roll for their fundraiser information to help bring their child home from China! A beautiful family & a worthy cause!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
First Ruling News!