One year ago I began this blog as a vehicle to share our adoption journey and snippets of our everyday life along the way. I officially launched my blog on August 19th, though the true "work" began days beforehand. I had no real working knowledge of blog technology, etiquette, design or even a clear vision of what I wished to contribute to the vast community that is the blogosphere. I clearly remember questioning my own audacity and wondering with some trepidation if anyone would even bother to read, much less follow along for the duration. What I did know was that I was terribly impressed with the blogs I had stumbled upon and immensely grateful to the families that shared their adoption adventures and offered insight into what we might expect throughout our process. I've said often, though usually in conversation, that I wished we had access to adoption related blogs during our journey to Lauren. How even a small tidbit or shared experience from those who had walked the path before us, would have allayed so many misplaced fears & anxieties. I feel gratitude for the people who did reach out to us before our travels via a message board/emails and knew in my heart this (blog) resource was both a gift and a responsibility this time around. With that in mind and a mission statement of simply wishing to keep family & friends in our "loop", I launched Destination-Taiwan:Our Forever Family and became, among many other titles: a blogger.
What I didn't know at the time.....what I couldn't have possibly known at the time was what an important part of our journey this blog would ultimately become. If someone had said I would be blessed with connections & friendships as a result, surely I would have scoffed, albeit politely. :) And connections really doesn't do justice to the supportive network and circle of shared experiences I have found here. Where else am I just a click away from dozens of families sharing in the joy and beauty of forming their families through adoption......or hoping to. Where else can I share the magic of a watching families fly around the world to be united with their precious babies/children and then later cry happy and frustrated tears with them over triumphs and challenges.(jet lag anyone?) How lucky I was to find such loyal and caring folks who clicked MY blog from time to time to peek at my random blathering, read my (often lengthy....yeah, I think we've already established my penchant for the wordy! lol ) musings about my life with, first one, then 2 miracle babies. There have been times I've babbled a little, left some baggage behind, grumbled, shouted with glee, celebrated, hoped, feared,reminisced & contributed a bit of fancy/whimsy....and probably more. And guess what? You guys came......you stopped by.....you stepped across my welcome mat.....you noticed that the porch light was left on.......you understood there were posts that left me a bit vulnerable..........and still you took the time to read and (often times) leave amazing comments behind.
And because you did.......because you cared......this little blog that had no real original mission, stayed the course and documented the arrival of our baby boy and life ever after with 2 munchkins!
And because you did.......I have been blessed to know so many of you, to read with pleasure and happiness your every day happenings and celebrate the extraordinary. I have prayed with many of you during the challenging moments and shouted solidarity during the difficult or outrageous times. Because of you, I was invited into so many homes, all around the country(& world!) and given rare access or peeks into your families & dreams. All differing journeys(some adoptive related, others not), hopes, rationales, personalities, hobbies and perspectives.......but with one common thread: reaching out through blogs. Leaving your imprint in the sand.
Along the way I have also had the pleasure to personally meet several of you or communicate via email or snail mail. My Lauren is pen-pals with darling Anna Grace, the daughter of a bloggy Mama friend, who still awaits baby girl #2. My Tyler received an adorable 1st birthday card from the ever thoughtful & sweet Jen F.(and family) AND miss Lauren considers Simone to be her best est blog buddy EVER. This blog has helped me to reconnect with family all across the country AND 2 very dear old friends!(no, not OLD.....but from my teaching days!) ~ Tracy & Carrie, it was WONDERFUL to see ya both and get caught up once again! Can't wait for the next time! :) How wonderful that it has also allowed me to find several families who like us, had previously adopted from Kazakhstan. What a creative outlet its become for me! And man oh man, you guys are good & I mean good at this bloggy stuff ~ yes, I mean each & every one of you!
And while we were in Taiwan and I sat wide awake in the dark of the night, my blog and the warm, loving comments left by you all, kept me company and helped to ease a bit of homesickness. It also gave us a vital link to our daughter.....cuz being that far away was hard & sometimes phone calls just aren't enough!
Now, almost one year later, I'm still hoping to change out my background LOL but life keeps getting in the way and often its either publish a new post or work on lay-out.......always the post wins! :) Maybe that can be a goal for this next year! One year later, I know I haven't set the world on fire, but I have been myself. I still fall behind from time to time, but y'all know I'll catch up eventually. I LOVE the new faces that stop by and I cherish the buddies who have been with me for so long. I'm excited to see where this next year takes us........AND where the next year takes all of you!
And I thank you. XOXO
Just sign me....... Lisa Mama, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Cousin, Friend, Optimist and Blogger :) oh okay, you can add, sentimental fool too! *grin*
P.S. Yaya this is for you.....a Friday Fragment: If I had maintained a blog during our journey to Lauren, I would have called it: Rockthekazblog !! :) Oh yeah!