
Also thanks to Jules for the tip on the tree skirt ~ a tu tu is inspired!!
Oh my goodness, it has been a magical Christmas season & though much of the "hustle" of the season is behind us, much of the "bustle" still remains! Hustling after two eager munchkins intent on trying out ALL the new treats & treasures while all the while attempting to unpack, dash to the grocery store, spend a bit of time outdoors with a special little lady & her new snowboard ~ and then there's the new treasures to blend into our home ~ well let's just say there is much yet to do...... AND OH YES, visiting all of your blogs and relishing your Christmas morning joys! Magic indeed! And though I have not made it around to everyone just yet, I am LOVING the glimpses into your blessed holidays & outings.
I had hoped to create a slide show with some of our favorite Christmas season photos, but time just isn't gonna allow it! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO above are simply a few (er...more than a few) of our faves. We just could not have wished for a more beautiful season, shared with family, friends & our two miracles. This time last year, one child awaited us in Taiwan............to have them both home this year ~ to celebrate a First Christmas with Tyler and remember back to our very first with our precious Lauren was indescribable. I know some of my bloggy friends still await their sweet babes and I hope they know my thoughts & prayers are sent their way ~ for I know well the pain of an absent loved one at Christmastime and later the joy of celebrating their homecoming. ((hugs))
Wishing you all a Happy & Joyous New Year!!
I had hoped to create a slide show with some of our favorite Christmas season photos, but time just isn't gonna allow it! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO above are simply a few (er...more than a few) of our faves. We just could not have wished for a more beautiful season, shared with family, friends & our two miracles. This time last year, one child awaited us in Taiwan............to have them both home this year ~ to celebrate a First Christmas with Tyler and remember back to our very first with our precious Lauren was indescribable. I know some of my bloggy friends still await their sweet babes and I hope they know my thoughts & prayers are sent their way ~ for I know well the pain of an absent loved one at Christmastime and later the joy of celebrating their homecoming. ((hugs))
Wishing you all a Happy & Joyous New Year!!
OMGosh these pictures made me laugh out loud! Your kiddos are so ADORABLE!!
Jane has a pink tree. Next year I will photograph it!
I loved these happy pictures. Your children are glowing and it is heart warming to see!
Lisa, thank you so much for your sweet words at my blog! Truly!
Oh my - how wonderful are all these photos?! Each one better than the one before...
I can't believe that gift bag is 18-ish years old! Wow! You would never have guessed it...
Wishing you and yours a WONDERFUL 2010!!!
Your joy is so complete as you describe this most special celebration - finally the circle is closed and the incompleteness a distant memory.
Your kiddos are adorable and you've captured their wonderful personalities with each picture and description. And I LOVE Laurens tree with all the pink and white and her special princesses encircled. Ho boy, would
Dahlia love those!
Lisa, I have to say that I've enjoyed this blogging experience so much this year but it's been especially surprising and delightful to have met very special people like you. Your warmth, love, support and unbridled joie de vivre is capitivating, inspiring and fills me with gratitude. Thank you for sharing yourself (and your beautiful family)with me. I treasure it!
Happy New Year to you and your, my friend!
Huge Hug,
Your children are so beautiful! It is so wonderful to have your family complete. What a joyous holiday you had. That snowboard that Lauren got is pretty awesome.
I loved the photos, your two are such cuties! I really like the one in matching pj's :) Glad to see you had such a wonderful Christmas!!
Happy New Year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR.... As you know I love to read you blog. Thanks for sharing over the past year.. Your words are often inspiring and your pictures are soooo beautiful. Ok so maybe I will have to do a tree for Paige...so many others have and I love the idea. And the matching PJs are adorable... Hugs and kisses to you all.
your kids are so amazingly beautiful! wow! both so joyous looking!
it was wonderful to read about your first christmas with Tyler and made me smile, knowing that next year we too would be spending Christmas with all of our kiddos.
love the Baby's First Christmas bag! what a delightful idea! looove it!
happy new year!
wow! snowboard! how i love if Singapore snow! Love the brother and sister's little helper pj!
Happy New Year~
So, I got to read your post the other night, but didn't get a chance to comment! WOW, your first Christmas with two children. One you'll never forget, I'm sure.
I love that Lauren likes to get "gussied up" - her coat and dress are much to beautiful. And that is the cutest "jammied up" baby brother in too!
Thank you for always taking the time to leave such thoughtful and thought provoking comments. It's one thing to find time to blog, another to read other's, and well it's icing on the cake when you have and take the time to comment.
I am so blessed to know you and your journey through life. Wishing you all a glorious 2010 - and have fun trying to catch pictures of the snowboarding and heely-ing action! (Is that a real word? Heely-ing???? LOL)
How special to have a bag that has been passed down through the years- so cool. Aiden got a remote control train and loves it too. And that's a prertty cool snowboard! Great pictures- looks like the perfect Christmas!
Happy Holidays! What wonderful holiday's your family has had this year. All the pictures show all the love and happiness in your house - what family is all about!
Santa was the hero with Lauren, can't wait to see some pictures of her using her new snow board!
How cute is Tyler with the new car? Little boys just love those remote control cars! The gift bag used for many new babies is a great tradition!
Lauren's tree is so magical! I love that she hs so many oranaments to display. Her tree may need to be bigger than herself soon.
Thanks for the peek into your holiday! I hope you had a wonderful New Year celebration too! I wish your family all the best for 2010!
Thanks for the CNY invite! I don't have any plans to be in the Chicago area in Feb., but would love to continue to be invited to events. We are going to a CNY party locally with some Taiwan and China adoptive families on the 13th. I'll be sure to take lots of pics, of course! Would love to get together again next year at the dragon boat races.
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