Our weekend began with a trip to the Betty Brinn Children's Discovery Museum which was a bounty of hands- on activities and exhibits for children of all ages. I so wish I had been able to capture more of the children and even more photos of our 2, but keeping track of 2 demanded (pretty much) complete focus! LOL And when I did manage to snap one or two pics., all but one turned out blurry and the lighting was tricky! Miss Lauren kept busy with her darling new friend "L" and just like peas & carrots, these two became fast friends and only really stopped to check in from time to time and alert of us ( the 2 sets of parents) of their next destination. :) Tyler was in toddler heaven and in constant motion! It was frenzied, fun and wonderful, to see so many sweet, happy & healthy kiddos happily playing along side one another and to chat, as feasible, with their equally sweet & joyous parents.
Saturday brought many events, especially meaningful for us was the the luncheon and raffle. It was here we sat in awe as we watched a slide show of every Kaz. kiddo in attendance featured as Before and After. This was particularly compelling for me as it highlighted just how far each family and more so, each child had come. Many went from solemn or frightened infants or preschoolers to radiant, confident and smiling kids..........under the Christmas tree with brothers/sisters, smiling hugely from a family vacation........in soccer uniform or wearing a silly expression of carefree kid happiness. In other words, happy, well adjusted, loved and cherished children.....pretty darn amazing when you think about it!
Another big part of the afternoon's luncheon was the raffle, which this year was to help fund a water filtration system at Lauren's former Babyhouse to ensure better health for all the children left behind and for those who will find their way to homes around the globe. Two Hearts for Hope (which I have blogged about before) was this year's designated charity and their goal was to raise $3,ooo for the filtration project. In all, and in one afternoon of giving and gratitude, our group of families raised over $5,500 for the Karakastek Babyhouse and to better the lives of orphans in Kazakhstan. Of course preceding this was a year's worth of planning by the dedicated and wonderful ladies who organize the KP event and certainly the founders of Two Hearts; it is particularly meaningful to Scott and I that this year's efforts benefit the Karakastek Babyhouse and while I may not speak of it often or share in depth our thoughts on the conditions from which we brought our angel home, it is with tears in my eyes tonight that I imagine the incredible benefits this money will bring to them and the difference the generosity of each family in attendance will make to this most impoverished of Babyhouses. Its something that each family could not have done alone........but collectively was made possible. Amazing!
Our weekend was also filled with swimming in the hotel's water park, a pool party for the group, eating outside at Mo's, cuz Lauren liked the pirate statue *grin* and saying our goodbye's the following morning.
We left exhausted (probably won't plan a big family vacation RIGHT before KP next year! LOL ) but so honored and grateful to have been part of something like this. We felt welcomed and accepted and just loved meeting so many families that walked such a similar path as our own. Our only regret is that we didn't find this event sooner and didn't have more time to meet more families. Next year it is slated for Florida :) so we are saving already!
We left exhausted yes............but we left with one very proud and excited young lady, who made sweet new friends ( as did we!!) and who gained a BIG OLE dose of Kaz. identity/pride too! Priceless really. Just priceless.
Below I've shared the pictures that turned out okay; our camera was cranky the whole weekend and I wish I had more to share of the gorgeous kiddos!!

Our family simply feels so blessed and lucky to be part of 2 such amazing adoptive communities; and really its more than 2 as we have been fortunate now to follow along with and cheer on families from all over the world, adopting children of many nationalities. The stories and faces may vary, but the shared joys and blessings of these children (born both near & far) truly unites us all.