Today a proud, jubilant (almost) Second Grader hopped along beside us on the walk back home, following a shortened final day of school.
How does that happen? Its a strange and somewhat baffling phenomena when you begin marking passages of time and milestones for your child, not based solely on birthdays but also on the school calendar. When the cadence of your days takes the familiar patina of making school lunches, helping with homework, car pooling with the neighbor, scheduling play for teachers gifts at the holidays, signing permission slips for field trips, chaperoning those very field trips ( soaking in the tub, sighing with relief, later that night!) helping in the class when time allows and assisting with preparations for class parties........a Valentine for each classmate and monthly Family Night events at the school.......extracurricular activities, parent teacher conferences/report cards & endless fundraisers & concerts.........a little girl's joy and love of learning, carefully guarded and celebrated along the way.
And for her: multiplication facts.......Junie B. chapter books giving way to Ramona the Brave & Magic Tree House collections, essays and short stories......fractions (YES, even in First Grade...LOL ), 3 digit subtraction, money & Time ........hatching chicks from eggs ( crying when one egg didn't make it), having your Baby brother and Mama come in for lunch(once in a while) cuz he misses you SO SO much during the day........Rocket Dog and Twinkle Toes shoes, a bit of peer pressure.........sadness for a buddy who didn't receive an invitation to the birthday party scheduled for next Saturday, but deciding to attend anyways cuz this friend counts too (comforting the sad friend and asking Mama if they can over and play one day next week)....... awareness that some classmates struggle in reading and understanding that sometimes the teacher will ask you to help them out a be their buddy on that day or maybe for the week( and doing so with kindness)........gaining independence, successes and confidence in subtle but profound ways all throughout the year. Finding your footing in all day school.
All. Ready. Then . For . Second. Grade.
Today my little girl came home...........eye on the prize already imagining next year. Who will her teacher be? What friends will be in the same classroom as her? Which backpack to choose?
All. That. Will. Wait. (Please??) Summer beckons still..........
Today I watched her hug friends goodbye and run with abandon into my arms, bursting with news of the morning's assembly and her teacher's farewell words. Reaching for her Baby Brother, eyes alight with joy ~ digging through her bag to show me her treasures of the day.
Today. She. Took. My. Breath. Away.
I think tomorrow she will too..........
Such a bittersweet moment. Still feels like N just finished Kindergarten and now she's a 2nd grader. Ugh. They really grow too fast. Enjoy your first day of summer tomorrow!!
LOVE the new pics of Tyler! Do you remember how much he weighed at around 8 months old? Still can't believe how big my Jayden is.
that picture takes my breath away, is it possible for Lauren to get any prettier??
This post makes me a little bittersweet....I know how quickly time is going and I know in a blink I will be sending Miss H off to school. Please Mr. Clock and Calendar please stop moving so fast!! I have never wanted to stop the hands of time....but boy howdy I do now.
Congrats to the new 2nd grader in your house, at least we will get to send our little ones off at the same time and maybe it won't hurt so bad:) (((lot's of hugs will be needed))) Tell Miss Lauren to enjoy her summer, she has earned it with all that work in 1st grade!!
What a lovely post! Lauren is such a pretty girl, I love the photo of her. You take great pictures! How exciting that it's summer time for you!
Tyler is such a cutie! Maya is starting to get busy, those little ones can be hard to keep up with!
Glad you got the link and thanks for the sweet, sweet comments.
What another beautiful post about your beautiful daughter...she is just so lovely inside and out..and I know I told you this before...but every time I see her she reminds me so much of my niece..I feel as if I KNOW her personally...
Wow..she is entering into 2nd grade...
Mine is going into 1st grade...
Time goes by ever so quickly...and I am in amazement that my sweet first baby that I brought home from the hospital only (almost)16 short years ago will ENTER school as a JUNIOR..where in creation did all that time go?
Keep trying to hold on...time is going way to quick..
Enjoy each precious moment with your precious kids...that is what I am trying to do:)
Happy SUMMER!!!!
Okay, so now I am FREAKING OUT. I can't believe that kindergarten is almost over and now you are telling me that I'm gonna feel this same way every! stinking! year!?!? I don't know if I can do it.
Well, we already knew your daughter was beautiful on the outside... And we had a pretty good inkling the same proved true for the inside. But now i think she's even more beautiful inside, than she is outside! I can't even tell you how that is possible since she is *gorgeous*...
I can't believe how time flies! Maybe it's a good thing i'm not sleeping... More time to observe my boy maybe?!?
Here's wishing you an absolutely wonderful summer with your second grader!
Yes, she will forever take your breath away. . .she is such a beautiful and special little girl. And she's all yours! Be still, and enjoy the summer. . .
Oh...why am I both laughing and crying reading this post?
You captured such wonderous moment of Lauren's 1st grade year, and all of the emotions that went with it! As usual your writing wove such a tale that just captivates me and let me walk the street to and from school with you!
I love all that the year brought for Lauren and you...and Tyler too! And I relish the thoughts of what next year brings for me, looking through the glass at yours!
I know how very proud you are of Miss L, and rightly so! What a girl and what accomplishments!
But...I am a bit sad that Junie B. may give way to bigger kid books...I so love meanie Jim tales!
Oh and that photo...took my breath away as well! She is such a beauty and it just radiates from her!
Happy Summer my friend!!!
What a sweet post! I love the picture. She is strikingly beautiful! Have a great summer together!!
The days are long but the years are so short aren't they? What a wonderful record of her year - one you with both treasure I'm sure.
Lisa, I have been thinking about you! Thanks for your 'visit'.
I loved how you summed up the year of many precious moments for her to reflect upon when she is a bit older. I can tell that she is an incredibly gifted and talented girl.
My sweet pea just finished Kindergarten. Makes me so sad. It seemed like the year just flew right by.
On another note...
My Maltese, little Oliver sadly passed away a few short weeks ago. Caught me totally by surprise. My heart seems like it'll never be the same again. I remember your kind words when he first went blind.
Tomorrow would have been his 10th birthday. I miss him so.
Well enjoy your summer with your two little blessings and thanks again for stopping by!
That picture is stunning...... It captures all of what you said about Lauren. You can just see the joy in her face.
I wish school was done here already. The kids - and the teachers are done..
Oh...sigh....sniff....sigh again!!!! I'm just a few weeks behind you.
But your words paint an amazing picture of the passage we have the priviledge to be a part of - wow, my friend....can you write. You are working on that book, aren't you? I know, I between the car pool and homework and now.....summer fun!
Congratulations to Lauren - a beatuiful 1st grade graduate - ready to take on GRade 2. Woo hoo!!!! (Oh....and this photo of L.....breathtaking!)
Enjoy your first days of SUMMERRRRRR !!!
Congratulations to Lauren on a great first grade year. I am sure the end of the year is a little bittersweet as a parent. Maybe I will have a different perspective on it when I have a child in school. I have to be honest and say as a teacher the end of the year is more of a relief than anything!!
I love your pictures!! I am in awe of Miss L....I had to look again, so looks Beautiful!! And Ty, how were you able to keep his hat on?? Please share the secret! My son would have no parts of a hat, ever! Still doesn't like them.
WOW, end of the school year for L. Somewhere I remember reading school was just starting and she was just going into first grade?!?!! Mama was adjusting to that. Time does fly entirely WAY too fast when they are this age, ENJOY every minute!!!
Get yourself a plastic tote, you are going to need it!! (if you haven't already, LOL) Fill it up with those special pieces of art work, certificates of accomplishments, pictures of the great class trip, or the newest First day of School outfit and matching back pack! My kids LOVE going back in time to see their things and pics of friends when they were younger. As this year ends soon for us too, we will be visiting the Box soon.
How proud of her you must be! Maybe you should buy TWO boxes. I think you're going to need extra space! I have to post some new pictures of what may be some happenings in your coming years...
Until then Enjoy your summer and all that happenings and happiness it brings!
It's time to reflect for all of us as we close another school year! It does go by fast. It's great you're capturing all the memories along the way.
btw, Your girl is so beautiful, in every picture you take.
beautiful, as always, Lisa!
those same emotions are very real to me as well. next year my boy will be in kindergarden. i cannot believe it!
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