Our week away was WONDERFUL! Gosh, but there is just something about going "home" and spending quality time with family and visiting all of our favorite haunts and hot spots. Trips to the downtown square, yummy pizzzzzzaaaaaaa from our preferred joint, treasure hunting (a.k.a. bargain shopping!) with my Mom and loads and loads of chit chat. :) Tyler did splendidly with the new surroundings (and people) and even the longish road trip didn't create too much trouble! We had one bad moment on the ride down, but its amazing how far a desperate Mama's arm can stretch from the back of the mini van to insert a fresh bottle into an equally desperate awaiting mouth! LOL
My cousin and her crew also made a safe trip in and we all spent a glorious day visiting(adults) and for the kiddos PLAYING PLAYING ....and did I mention, a bit of PLAYING?! Tyler adored meeting all the cousins and my Aunt Kris too! Naturally he rose to the occasion with plentiful raspberries, babbling and ready smiles. And like all babies he immediately knew there were additional children in the house and was both charmed and enchanted by all the extra attention and by all the family. And I kinda think they liked him too! ;)
Somehow life in my hometown ( well, the town I consider to be my "hometown" ) just seems slower paced, more relaxed and a bit more peaceful. I know a big part of that is the extra pairs of helping/loving hands on deck, the warm incredible hospitality of my folks and frankly a whole lot less traffic around town. And I love going home......I am grateful Scott loves it too.....and so lucky to be able to go back often and share it with my kiddos. I miss my folks already!! :)
And Miss Lauren? A blur of light most of the week! *grin* ZOOM......there she goes, down to my parent's huge basement to play restaurant or carnival with Alyssa.....ZIP.....was that her? Oh yes, there's the back of her head as she tackles her big cousin Alex during a wrestling match in the living room. ZIM.....she favors me with a quick smile as she dashes off with McKenna to play "Dog & Cat" in one of the back bedrooms. It was glorious for her.........truly cousin bliss!
AND as this seems like the right time, I have been wishing to share a bit more about our nieces and nephew for quite some time. My sister and bro-in-law have three incredible children who both Scott and I are so very proud of. Each one is loving, kind, intelligent, beautiful(handsome) & unique in their own ways. The time, attention and devotion they show both Lauren and Tyler is so humbling and magical to witness. Long before Scott and I were called, "Mama & Daddy" we were "Aunt Eeya & Uncle Dot".............we feel so blessed to have these kiddos in our lives & just cannot imagine life with 'em! Thanks Alex, Allison & Alyssa!
