Friday, May 15, 2009

A Belly Laugh and Reality Check!

Here is a little story for you all..........this happened to someone else....yes, that's it, someone else. We will call her "Risa". :)
About a week or so ago, Risa dashed home from running errands and found herself anxious to shed her Mama uniform :) that had seen very hard action on that particular day. Risa's closet, normally a bastion of organization & serenity (yeah, right!) happened to be is disarray on this particular day. Risa, in the interest of hurrying, grabbed something comfy and hurried downstairs to fix dinner for her lovely & famished family.
At some point while preparing a nutritious and almost gourmet-like meal ;) Risa's daughter, "Rauren" happened to glance up and said these magic words: "Oh Mama, you look like your only 28 in that outfit!" OH GLORY BE, thinks Risa with obvious surprise.......with wonderment Risa says to herself, 'she just took a decade off' and smiles with great joy. Risa stands just a little taller in that moment and does what many women do when given a compliment.......brings her hand tentatively to her hair. Its here that Risa's glee begins to evaporate. And this is what she found upon careful scrutiny..........
Hair........(groan) Risa discovers that nary a brush has touched her locks since her early morning hasty do.......yep, same loose knot in the back of the head....... and her bangs? Blown hastily out of her face with an impatient breath, cuz Risa is due for a trim!
Face.......(silent oath, muttered under breath) Risa glumly remembers that her cover stick flew behind the dresser when she was hurrying through her a.m. routine and the only thing standing between her skin and the world is moisturizer with SPF. Well, Risa rationalizes......that's something, right?
Lips......Carmax, applied an hour ago........nothing to write home about......
Shirt......(gasp) Is it really possible, Risa thinks, that she has donned this ancient t-shirt from probably 6 years ago? Its so faded that Risa cannot even remember its original color. AND, is it?? .....could it be?........sigh.....yes, a small hole near the hem? Oh dear......
Nails.......(deep breath) Okay....filed & buffed..... but no clear polish!! Risa remembers with clarity that she was distracted the previous evening by Baby "Dimple's" sweet cry and never returned to her task. Oh yes, there's the polish bottle over the unfolded laundry.
Lounge pants.......(yikes!) Risa ruefully scrutinizes her choice with despair. Over sized flannel pants rolled several times at the waist so they stay up..... & snowflakes in May?? Where did these even come from?, Risa puzzling and terribly unattractive.
Feet......(sigh) Oh, saving grace.....upon quick inspection Risa spots a splash of color on her bare feet. Yippee!! .....then....... Ack! Upon closer inspection, Risa glumly spies alternating riots of pink/blue on her piggies and fleetingly remembers her recent appointment at Rauren's Nail Salon & Beauty Shop. Great prices, but spotty service.........
Aghast now, Risa whips her head up just in time to see "Stone" (Risa's husband.......indulge me here folks!) barely suppressing a knowing smile. Yes, Stone has watched this entire spectacle and has seen Risa go from preening peacock(following the compliment from Rauren) to horrified everyday Mom. Risa debates sticking her tongue out at him........but the children are watching now.......drat!!
And just as Risa resigns herself to her fate for this night, lovely and perceptive Rauren streaks over to hug her and whispers, " Oh, Mama, I think you look just like a princess!" And Risa's heart swells......she also idly wonders if Rauren needs an eye appointment........and then Rauren says in a loud clear voice........"sure Mama, don't you remember the story of " The Paperbag Princess."
And what can Risa do?????? Well, she hugs Rauren back and laughs out loud.......a big ole belly laugh........she also decides its time to invest in some new lounge clothes! ;) What else can she do??
P.S. Risa wants you all to know that no flannel pants were harmed in the making of this blog post.......its merely coincidence that a pair of flannels matching that exact description went missing the very next
P.S.S. Be back next week with some pics.....I promise!


QingLu Mama said...

Oh my goodness! I surely enjoyed that, in fact I'm going to read it again for another good laugh. This was a GREAT story, Risa...oh I mean Lisa!

Really, I just loved it, and sadly can totally sympathize. Being a Mama is such a grand job, but sometimes we don't get to dress/look the way we feel/are inside...which in your case is beautiful!

Thanks for the wonderful laugh and sharing such a humorous and fun post! And use this as a great excuse to go shopping- for yourself!

Have a great weekend princess Risa!

momwithfaithandhope said...

Loved the story Risa. I mean Lisa. Great story you shared of your friend Risa. Such a reality check and you know what, let's all laugh together and simply embrace what motherhood has turned us into. Forget the articles about, "Just because you're a Mom doesn't mean. . .(fill in the blank)" because you know what, we're BEAUTIFUL and we have our KIDS to show off to the world! Even if we're wearing rolled at the waist jammie bottoms. (And here I thought I was the only one!)

couey2007 said...

Loved it!!! It is so true, sorry it's never happend to you LOL!
Michelle C, AL JOH

rachel said...

thanks for the laugh!!!! you are hilarious!!!! i am sure you looked just beautiful!

Carrie S. said...

Hi Lisa!!
Oh how I remember those days?!! Seems they go so fast, so don't worry those visions will fade but the memory you will cherish!! Great story, though!!
Oh did send you a email...did you get it??
Hope you have a crown to go w/that lovely outfit!! I am sure your artist/crafter can share her skill and conjure you up one?!! If not...I think Burger King will!! Even in your "fancy outfit"!!
Enjoy!! Carrie

Terry said...

Lisa your friend must be an amazing Mom, to receive such high praise! I really loved this story, and I LOL'd, ALOT!!!

It is so true how Moms float from task to task, requests for help, and other princess like duties that we, as Mom tend to put the cutest outfit on our children, while some days we feel lucky to get our shoes on the right feet when we go out the door. I know that's what it's like here some mornings! And speaking from experience, as our kids are older, it doesn't change much. I've driven my kids to the bus stop in the rain wearing my bath robe and slippers. Thank Heaven we don't have any neighbors really close by!
LOL Ahhh, Motherhood and Princess outfits, I wouldn't change a thing!!

But definitely keep the Mom's shopping day.......

Michele M said...

Thanks for sharing. I loved it...just too cute.

Anne Marie said...

Well, I can tell you that I always thought my mom was more beautiful without makeup!!

Lisa said...

I loved this story Lisa. I know that there are many days when a mom looks like this and feels like this. We can only hope that our children look at us with those rose colored glasses at least for part of the time.

Tish said... nailed it! have you been stalking my daily wardrobe choices? very funny post, lisa, i mean RISA!