Oh gosh, more & more pictures to share! I keep promising myself that I'll pen one of the more 'substantive' posts that have been rambling around my brain of late, but with all the Fall splendor and family fun its hard to resist sharing these glimpses of our recent days! And the days just seem to melt away........
As promised we did venture out again to our local pumpkin farm(still in search of that ideal pumpkin!) and while it was cloudy we did enjoy the milder temperatures. This little farm is so rustic and was virtually empty the afternoon we visited. Both of our kiddos fell in LOVE with THE very biggest pumpkins they offer.....*gulp*........ but then I'm getting ahead of myself!
I think the photos will tell the story best of all, but wanted to add that an awfully sweet lion prowled about today and attended his first Halloween party ever with our buddies at story time. We have 2 costumes for baby this year as both Mimi's bought one last year while we waited for Tyler to come home. Thankfully we have plenty of events to try them out and Tyler truly worked the costume while he dashed about growling "grrrrrrrrrrrr" and flashing his feline claws! (Flashed some wickedly cute dimples too! )
We WILL be back soon with Halloween moments and I just cannot wait to see all of your ghosts, goblins and cuties too!

Our family found a sweet pumpkin among this bunch......but that didn't stop our two goblins from dreaming MUCH bigger orange.....
What's a fella to do with no way to escape?? :) Grin broadly of course!
Our Little Miss selected this pumpkin as her first choice........a mere $50 plus prize! At least it doubles as a small sofa. :0

Yup......Tyler found one too.....a whopping $75 dollar pumpkin to love on. Huh? When oh when did pumpkins become so pricey? Fortunately our champagne wishes kiddos happily settled on a much smaller gem! :)~