14 Tidbits about Tyler:
1. Tyler still LOVES LOVES music; he will stop whatever he is doing to boogie if a tune catches his ear. He also likes to sing along!
2. Tyler is chatty. :) A few new words include: "bye-bye", "Bella"(our neighbors dog....lol ) "up" and "NO NO". Just this week he put two words together and usually it takes the form of, "Mama, MOE"( more ) & sadly "No , Mama" :)~
3. Tyler can find his nose, head, feet/toes, tummy, ears & mouth.....and he loves to show off his new skills! :)
4. At his last check-up he remained at the 90% for height and the 50% for weight. Most of Tyler's weight in his adorable cheeks & thighs. *giggle*
5. Tyler adores books (faves include, Where is Baby's Belly Button?, Brown Bear, Brown Bear & Elmo Loves You ), balls & trucks! He hoots & goes "vroooooommm" when a car passes us outside.
6. Tyler loves his big Sis & her bedroom is his favorite room in the house! LOL
7. Tyler loves to try new foods but likes constant change in his menu, otherwise known as, "Mama Buffet". His favorite stand byes are yogurt, apple chunks, Elmo crackers & pasta.
The remaining 7 are in picture form with one brief commercial interruption. ;)

"Hair Apparent": As Anne Marie noticed in my last post, Tyler got a haircut recently! I didn't blog about it as it fell during our crazy busy time ~ it was also very traumatic for the both of us. He didn't like the experience AT ALL and it took every ounce of my Mama skill to keep him (and me) from sobbing. The hairstylist also noted that our baby boy has THE worst set of cowlicks she has ever seen. AND when it was all said & done, I didn't care for the initial cut, but his hair grows FAST and I do love it now. The above & below photos are the pre-cut shots. :)

This photo was probably the ONE shot that prompted our trip to the salon. That & because Daddy was tired of folks commenting on our "beautiful girl". *grin* Let me just say that Tyler is ALL BOY & we love it!
10. Tyler (pre hair cut) loves riding like the wind on his blue horse!
11. With "La La" at school, Tyler has turned his entertainment skills and affections towards Lexi. As you can plainly see, she is delighted. ;) He also adores our neighbor's dog and will pucker up his mouth a block away in preparation of giving her a big ole kissy!
12. Tyler (post hair cut) loves his wheels! Any wheels & all wheels will do!

This photo was probably the ONE shot that prompted our trip to the salon. That & because Daddy was tired of folks commenting on our "beautiful girl". *grin* Let me just say that Tyler is ALL BOY & we love it!
We now return to our regularly scheduled post:

Here from Tracy's Anna Banana. Your Tyler is absolutely darling!
Oh Lisa, there's nothing more heartwarning than a truly happy child. And your Tyler is a true delight. Such a beautiful, beautiful boy! (John Lennon must have had a glimpse of Tyler when he wrote that song.)
My Milana is a happy natured little girl while my Dahlia has to work at it. I so can appreciate the difference.
Lisa- Thanks for sharing the list and photos! What a cutie!
I'm afraid Danny many have the same cowlics as Tyler so I may be calling you for hair advice!
SOunds like such a fun boy! He and Aiden have lots in common- like buckets on the head and loving the outdoors!
Oh, he's such a love and so full of life. I am so happy for you still (the thrill never gets old, does it?). I know what you mean about the haircut (although we have never had quite the same locks as Tyler) -- Alex just looks more like himself once the harsh lines have grown out a bit :)
Oh Lisa, that just made me smile from ear to ear!
I love that post and all of the tidbit's of Tyler's personality and adorableness! Then those photos just sent me over the edge to extra smiley!
And that haircut rocks! He is so absolutely charming and full of sweet smiles and big grins! Sorry to hear about the cowlicks, they can be a challenge, but your little guy can pull off just about any look!
I love all his new words, isn’t it just amazing once our dumplings start communicating! And knowing his body parts…fond memories of those days, sitting with S for long periods delighting over her pointing to each and giggling!
I am so glad I checked my blogs today and found this wonderful and mood pick me up-er post! I love that Tyler is such a happy and joyful child, what a delight to see!
First, I may need to steal this idea. I can't ever seem to get around to monthly updates... but this I can do!
I adore this list... he's got quite the personality! Spencer likes to boogie too - I bet they would be adorable ripping up the dance floor together.
And I love his crazy hair!
Tyler is so full of joy! He's always beaming from ear to ear! Love his pre and post hair cuts! Peyton has 2 cowlicks, hence the buzz cut. . .If Tyler has 2, you do know that's "double trouble", right? Although in his case, it may just bve double the giggles!
what a cutie! I love how you are enjoying him as you are!!! i am sure he will cherish this post some day!
Oh my gosh, his crazy hair is too cute!
I just love all the pictures! And your Tyler time is adorable. His new 'do' is very happening. He needs it short, so he can be more on the move to go, go, go and go outside! I love it! I enjoy so much hearing about all the happenings with your children, they are always so happy, and full of smiles! You just can't help but to smile too! Thanks for sharing all your fun! :-)
Love the haircut...and what a sweet little guy! You could just squeeze him he is so stinkin cute!
Hi, he is so cute! He looks like so much fun!
Love his joy and especially the bucket head photos.
He is too cute and growing so fast. Min Man also dances to anything that sounds like a beat! I am doing a giveaway on my blog to help spread awareness. Check it out.
I am telling you we were both so lucky to have had such a great foster mom!! Hayden LOVES music, LOVES outside, LOVES yogert, LOVES to laugh, and is pretty much happy most of the time and she loves her boots as opposed to his sneakers, and boy does she love dogs and to kissy the dogs as well as huggy bear the dogs!!
I love pre and post hair. and goodness I love that dimple!!
Oh my! He is getting so big. His smile is infectious!! I love his new haircut :)
So, you wanna come visit Louisiana? Noah and Tyler would ge along great :) Noah also loves Music, Elmo love you is a favorite book, and they could have horse races though Noah's is green but exactly like tylers :) Looks like they both have a silly personality as well :) So cute :) Sooo wanna come have a play date?? :) heehee
BELIEIVING IN FAITH for God to provide the funds to bring Jeremiah home quickly
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