Yes, its been busy almost to the point of hectic, but then again I probably wouldn't have it any other way. And its ironic as this past weekend was actually fairly low key and packed with plenty O' quality time with family. I had hoped to blog earlier in the weekend but found myself unable (or unwilling ) to break the spell of the weekend peace & precious family time.
Now I sit, with both angels slumbering, reflecting back on this past week and I'm once again struck by something I have often chatted about on this forum ~ collateral benefits. Well, maybe not in so many words, but in essence its the often surprising and unexpected friendships and connections that spring from our status as an adoptive family. Many times I have expounded gratefully on the fabulous folks I have "met" through my Yah** group and of course the many amazing blogs & blog authors I follow along with. I'm struck time & again by the sheer beauty of each family and the immense talent I see tucked between the lines, sentiments, photos and archives of fellow bloggers(AP's or not). Often its the comments I receive from others that have given me the boost and/or courage needed to continue with my own blog..........
And through the many years since Lauren's homecoming there have been numerous instances of lasting friendships forged simply because we shared this adoptive connection with another; simply because we walked a path similar to another and found in each others' footsteps a commonality of shared experiences, hopes, dreams & faith tested.....and rewarded.
This past week we had an opportunity to plan play dates with 2 beautiful babes born overseas ~ a treat for both Tyler and I! The first was with a darling little man adopted last Spring from S. Korea. We first met Baby I and his Mama in summer story time hosted at our local library and we all hit it off immediately. "I"is just one month older than Tyler and is a first baby for his lucky folks! Our story times continued and our boys keep growing ~ and its humbling and exciting to watch this friendship unfold; and a bit awesome that our paths crossed all those months ago.....two Mamas of baby boys, brought home from the other side of the world, who just happened into the same library program on a random Monday in June..........amazing really.
Also this week we were blessed to meet with Andrea and the beautiful "Baby W" a fellow Taiwan adoptive Mama and a family that lives near our area. She is also active on our Yah** board, or was way back when before the demands of two chickadees kept her hopping in the best of ways! W has THE most enchanting eyes and the sweetest little disposition....and her Mama has to be one of THE very nicest gals I have ever met. We hope to plan future play dates and what a wonderful connection for us all.
AND yes, there are a few photos, but masterpieces they are not! LOL The children are masterpieces certainly but catching active toddlers on film & doing it well???......well, that's just outside the scoop of my abilities! But I hope they will show first hand the blessings these collateral threads have brought our family and continue to bring........we are so thankful to be part of this amazing community of families!
And date with a pretty lady!
I caught too much flash on Tyler's face.....but I'm smiling big here cuz look how happy he was to play with "W". And yup, he WAS on his way off that chair....LOL....and she was working hard at getting that boot off! LOL
Sitting pretty ................ W's Mama told me this is her "say cheese" smile these days. giggle....Isn't she sweet as sugar? Oh, and Tyler is 8 months or so younger but yup, he's that much bigger! What a big boy and oh yes, he relishes practicing his charms on a beautiful lady!
And yes, Lauren's been having some play dates too in between school, basketball & more..............this is one of her best buddies from school.
And finally(below) & totally off topic....... these past few months Lauren has been teaching Tyler how to "really" play hide-n-go seek........he's doing well, though his joyful giggles usually give him right away! :) I just couldn't help myself with this one.......its so perfect to catch a little man who believes that he is in fact well concealed simply because he can't see us! What a hoot!
Can you see him trying to suppress his own glee and laughter?? I just love it...and when I play and catch him, he squeals with delight and hollers out, "me me me" and barrels right into my legs for a big ole bear hug!
And 'lookie' who else plays along? *grin* Yup, she imagines herself well hidden long as she can't see us, then we can't see her.....right?? But the whole time ~ the whole time, that furry little tail just wags with eagerness.
Hope you all had a grand weekend and a wonderful week ahead! Its almost Monday.....manic Monday!