Here are the vitals on our furry baby:
Age: 10 1/2 by Dog standards that makes her a genteel lady, one in her upper 60's. BUT absolutely NO ONE believes that's she's anything other than a puppy due to her boundless energy and sass!
Breed: Lexi is a Maltese and was considered a "teacup" at birth. By the time we first glimpsed her it was clear she was going to exceed the expected 4 pnds. most teacups average. We laughed, scooped her up and called her our "cappuccino mug"! Nowadays at 9 pnds. we've dubbed her "our platter". We love our furry girl so!
A bit about her: Hmmm....loves chicken & ham. Heart of a lion and I don't honestly believe she knows she's tiny. What she lacks in size she more than makes up for in tenacity. The big dogs on the block are both fascinated and a bit intimidated by her....LOL........she loathes water & shakes & shivers if she knows its her day at the groomers. :) She's fiercely loyal, playful, sweet as sugar and most definitely is a Mama's girl. (which I LOVE ) A bit neurotic about being left alone for too long.......and still a touch indignant about these 2 fur less kids that invaded her scene. ;) Nonetheless she adores and guards those very kids as if her life depended on it, day in & day out.
She made co-sleeping fashionable long before it was, tolerates Halloween costumes, doggy sweaters and dresses at Christmas ( at Lauren's insistence ya know!) :) and takes so little, while giving us all SO very much.
She's a bundle of contradiction and we couldn't adore her more!
And just in case I don't make it back on to post again before Easter ( company, etc. ) Wishing you all a grand Easter and I'll be anxious to check back in with you all when I can!