Multiple Choice: :)
Why am I virtually the last blogger in the "sphere" to share Halloween photos?
A. Our weekend was just filled to the brim with tricks & treats and it took me a full day *and a half* to play catch up and return to my groove!
B. My folks came into town to help us celebrate Halloween and both kiddos had a full complement of Grandparent "paparazzi" for trick or treating ~ which also meant a few extra shopping trips for us girls and late night gab fests. :)
C. Because we attended Lauren's school Autumn Fest Friday night, her final soccer game of the Fall season Saturday morning ( and they won!) , chauffeured her to a friend's pool party Saturday afternoon and ate out with my folks Saturday night ~ oh, and shopped a bit on the way home! LOL
D. Ummm....cause I really couldn't wait any longer to peek at the blogs I adore and see all of their fabulous photos and hear about their spooktacular Halloween events! ( So that came first before a post of my own!)
E. All of the above.
Did you guess E????? ( I know you did!! ) Uh huh, it was a CRAZY BUSY SPOOKY FUNTASTIC and all around 'fantabulous' Halloween weekend. Honestly I feel as if the entire month of October has been a bit that way, with even the weather treating us to unseasonably gorgeous & mild days.
Trick or treating Sunday was FUN; we began trick or treating on our town square which is a family tradition. We loved having all the Grand P's with us and we always bump into so many friends and folks we know. And the variety of costumes on the square? Ah'mazing! We saw a Mr. Clean, those little scrubbing bubbles, a Rubik cube and a beautiful white Husky in a pink tutu! Where else could you see that?? LOL
Afterwards we all headed home for chili & pumpkin cookies and soon enough we had a few anxious friends eagerly waiting for Lauren to come out and trick or treat. So out we went and onward went the blur of action formerly known as Lauren and her buddies Abby and Jocelyn. :) And Tyler? Oh gracious, did he have F.U.N. No qualms for him as he pumped those little legs furiously to keep up with the girls and no fears about marching right up to each porch and saying "Twick or Treat". (yeah, he got the treat part right every. single. time. ) And for as long as I live I won't ever forget the look of complete incredulity and joy on his sweet face as folks actually handed him candy.......candy mind you!!!.......and often times by the handful!
We love our neighborhood and both kiddos made out like bandits. Honestly they both even received full sized candy bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full size??? AND more than one! I just don't remember that when I was a kiddo. Wow.
Needless to say that Monday morning crept around sooner than expected and found our crew a bit groggy when those alarms began to chime. Thankfully we discovered that chocolate for breakfast wakes us right up! :) j/k We also had to say goodbye for a few weeks to Mimi & Papa and we miss them already.
Its been a great month and below are some of the pictures from our weekend and a few that I meant share before but somehow ran out of time!!
Please say hello to our very own Tiger ( or Tigra), 3 Eyed Monster and Devil Doggy.

Have you seen him??? The rarely spotted, elusive Taiwan Fur Ball?? Sightings are rare but he was rumored to have been lurking near the woods by our house......He's considered armed and adorable.

AND a change of days.................Pumpkin Patch Moments:

Okay, I hear the snickering....yes, I was going for that classic pumpkin patch shot and nope, my two just were not having any part of it!!! :)

Okay, I hear the snickering....yes, I was going for that classic pumpkin patch shot and nope, my two just were not having any part of it!!! :)
AND last week Lauren participated in the All Saints Day Parade for her Religious Education class. Each child was asked to choose a Saint and dress in costume. Lauren carefully researched and proudly picked Blessed Kateri Tekakawitha, the only Native American Saint and the Patron Saint of Ecology and Environment. I was not surprised at all that Lauren would identify with Kateri and she was so proud to create this costume and research this amazing young woman.
How adorable are they? And I love Lauren's tiger outfit with that great mask!! So glad you guys had a wonderful month. November sounds down right boring with just Thanksgiving (and Vet day) in it!!
Enjoy it all while you can!
Lou Ann & Lexie too
Your children are just adorable. I will definitely forgive you for not posting sooner because those gorgeous children were worth the wait.
Love Lauren's tiger outfit. She looked like such a young lady in it. And that little 3-eyed monster was too cute. Love the devil doggie. I'm such a bad mommy because I didn't take any pictures of our doggies on Halloween. They weren't dressed up, but had some pumpkin printed scarves on.
It seemed like you had a busy week full of fun activities and your kiddies were perfectly dressed for every occasion. I have to do my shopping earlier next year because by the time Halloween rolled around, there weren't much choices in cute Halloween apparel.
Thanks for your sweet comments. I always look forward to them. They make my day.
Take care and give those sweeties a hug from Lexie!
I have to say, the kids looked great for Halloween, but your little viking dog looked FABULOUS!!!!
Full sized candy bars??? In this economy?! Wow I want to trick or treat in your neighborhood!!! Hannah got mostly suckers, one person even tried to give her a cough drop!!
BTW, are you heading to FL in June for KP? Hope so <3 xoxox Erin and Hannah
I think you have the happiest kids ever! It is obvious that joy radiates from your home!!
Oh, where to start?! First, I love *all* these pictures! Love. Just when I thought your kiddos couldn't get any cuter, they don costumes and the cuteness factor triples! And the pup as a devil?! ADORABLE.
These photos were definitely worth the wait... for sure! Although, I fear I may be right there with you on the backlog. Sigh. Someday we will both be all caught up... right!?
PS - I LOVE Tyler's striped hat. Please tell me I might still find that somewhere?!
I think it would be impossible for them to get any cuter! Adorable. I love that you had some chocolate for breakfast to wake up on Monday, perfect!
Seems like you live in a very charming town.
I have to admit my Pumpkin Pizza was from the local take n bake:) They also make a great heart pizza for Valentines day. Thank you for all of your sweet comments!
Happy Halloweeenie to your beautiful family..
I LOVED all those pics..
Pics of your kids just make me so happy:)
LOVE all the pics! so, so cute!
It's only three days past Halloween so I don't think you're late at all. In the days of film cameras we used to not see Halloween photos until the rest of the roll got used up at Christmas!
Your kids are so, so cute, and so full of personality. I love Lauren's saint costume. My Cat would have done the same, I'm certain.
You take beautiful photos and your writing is so evocative. Every post from you is like a two- or three-page photo essay in a glossy magazine. I just love being able to dive in and immerse myself in your world for a few minutes!
Oh I truly think that Kateri herself would be proud~ That picture of Lauren took my breath away! Of course I also liked her roaring tiger... She is just stunning and I don't think it matters what she's wearing:)
Can 3 headed monsters be adorable too? Well I guess now they obviously can, huh?...
Just when I think that boy can't get any cuter, he goes and does it all over again! I don't know which I like the best. The little monster who found his long lost pumpkin or the little pumpkin who is sporting the stocking cap and his mama's sunglasses.
Your Devil dog is cracking me up too because he actualy looks like he's enjoying himself. I think he's smiling:)
Love all your pictures and stories. So glad you had a great Halloween. I think my kiddos have chocolate in their vanes the way they have been eating their goodies. Every single outfit and costume is so cute... especially love Lauren's tiger outfit...
Oh my...two of the cutest and most adorable little pumpkins ever! And Lexie too, can't leave that cutie out!
And while I admit I've been stalking your blog, just waiting for some pics of your wonderful Halloween...I'll also admit that it was well worth the wait!
I love all of these photos, each and every on is a favorite! Lauren looks darling and Tyler...well he is just the most handsome monster I've ever laid eyes on!
And the pumkin patch looked like a great time, love the smiles on both kids faces and the pumpkin picture is sweet! Tyler's hat is great and Lauren looks like such the proud big sis!
Oh and Miss L's choice for the it! She looked simply beautiful and choice fit her perfectly!
So glad to see this post and enjoyed reading, and re-reading!
ps...I am so slow to post my comment b/c some little fellow over here has fallen in love with Lexie and wants to oooh and ahhh over her photo, instead of letting me comment! He's a bit of a doggie lover!
you may be the last blogger to share Halloween photos but they were well worth the wait.
Loved them. Your children are so beautiful and your pictures put a big smile on my face
Just when I think your two darlings can't get any cuter...LOVE the costumes!!
Lisa, I love all of your great photo's! I especially love the tiger and how cute was the little monster! Loved them! And you know how I love your dog! Super cute! Looks like you all had a great time.
Oh and I just posted my Halloween pics late too!
love, love, love the costumes, and that Lauren just get prettier and prettier I swear. One beauty of a girl. Hayden is going to want to be her BFF when you come down!!!
Sounds like it was a blast of a Halloween, but then again when full size candy bars are in the equation what else could it be??
Love the All Saints tribute and research, she looks great in her costume.
HOW CUTE...I love your little Trick r' Treaters....they are precious...and look GREAT !!
BTW, I'm the last one to post Halloween photos LOL
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